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"Beerworks is proud of their product, so we put it front and center. Larger-than-life-sized cans hover at attention as viewers learn more about each beer—from hop choice to which Martha Stewart paint swatch best describes its color. We struck a balance in tone between informative and witty in the voice: You can gauge a beer's bitterness by IBU or a sliding bitterness scale that includes 'Cleveland Cavs Fan.' The horizontal beer navigation and brewing infographic are great examples of how having a talented, creative web developer on board can dramatically impact the final product. As tanks and mills whiz by via parallax scrolling, the infographic moves with a sense of depth through the three phases of brewing without getting tiresome. There's even a unicorn! Collaborating with David Guillory at Source allowed for a dramatic expansion of the scope of the user experience and expression of the brand's personality."

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