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Yasmine Sinno, illustrator/art director
Racha Merhi, designer
Tagbrands, design firm
Thimbelina, client
Thimbelina is a retail store that offers a world of arts, crafts and cross-stitching and the illustrations were used for a series of postcards. Thimbelina, the main character, is a fairy enchanted by her magical world of crafting. She is accompanied by Mrs. Sew n' Sew (her mother's sewing machine), Mrs. Tastea (her cup of tea), Mr. Sharpie (her antique pair of scissors) and Mary Bobbins (her favorite spool of thread). The illustrations are applied on collaterals either printed or cross-stitched onto the items. 6 3/8 x 4 3/4, collage of watercolor, texture, line drawings.

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