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Domanique Alicia, user experience designer
Jacob O Brien/Andrew Witherspoon, designers
Jacob O Brien, design director
Dino Citraro, creative director
Dino Citraro/Kim Rees, strategists/directors
Brett Johnson, senior developer
Earl Swigert, technology director
Joe Hand, project manager
Andrew Winterman, researcher
"The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Grant Visualizer is an open-source online data visualization tool that allows visitors to explore more than a decade of grant-making efforts, totaling $3.8 billion USD. The sophisticated and elegant filtering interface provides detailed research capabilities into Foundation activity by geographic region, type of support and program area. Each organization receiving a grant is identified, along with their award history. Visitors can explore grant-making trends over multiple or single years, and customize the interface to display a singular dollar amount. What began as an internal tool was quickly made public to increase transparency and aid their grant seekers. It became so popular that the Hewlett Foundation open sourced it to enable transparency in other foundations."

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