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Pete Breton/Dave Douglass, group creative directors
Zak Mroueh, executive creative director
Nuno Ferreira, designer
Aaron Dark, editor
Paul Binney, online editor
School Editing, editorial company
Rene Bharti/Brad Nelson, sound designers
Brian Lee Hughes, director
Jennifer Mete, agency producer
James Davis/Josefina Nadurata, executive producers
Josefina Nadurata/Jes Thomsen, production company producers
Reginald Pike, production company
Molotov, Denmark, production service company
TAXI Canada, ad agency
The World of Comedy Film Festival, client
Donkey :30 (Open on a Film Festival press conference. The film's actors, writer and director sit behind a long table facing a room of reporters. The tone of the room is serious as one of the members of the press asks a question) Reporter: Question for the director. How did you achieve this unique look? (Cut to the director who considers the question before answering) Director: Well, we ran a lot of tests with anamorphic lenses and cameras because I wanted the audience not only to experience what Olivier's character goes through when he slips on the fallen blueberry pie and gets his head caught in the donkey's bum, but also to feel his sense of surprise when he realizes that he is not the only one in there, (pause) in the donkey's bum. (Cut to a wider shot where the entire table is in agreement with the directors comments. Then cut back to the director) Reporter (VO): Stunning work. Director: Thanks. (Still on the director as the logo fills the screen) Logo: The World of Comedy Film Festival. "Catch You Later" :30 (Open on a Film Festival press conference. The film's actors, writer and director sit behind a long table facing a room of reporters. The tone of the room is serious as one of the members of the press asks a question) Reporter: My question is for the writer, Janet Danuba. How did you come up with the title of the movie? (Cut to a wide shot of the cast at the table before moving in on Janet Danuba) Janet Danuba: Well, I think all great film titles, by their very nature, capture the essence of the film. This has been the case with Fellini and of course Polanski. In this case, the title came from my own life. It's a phrase that my father repeated to me many times throughout my upbringing. (Cut to the reporter who is taking notes as Janet speaks. He looks up, interjecting) Reporter: Catch you later flatulator? (Cut back to Janet) Janet Danuba: Yes. (Still on Janet as logo fills the screen) Logo: The World of Comedy Film Festival. "Sign Post" :30 (Open on a Film Festival press conference. The film's actors, writer and director sit behind a long table facing a room of reporters. The tone of the room is serious as one of the members of the press asks a question) Reporter: Hello, my question is for Olivier. When you found your genitals frozen to the metal sign post it was so real. (Cut to a wide shot of the cast at the table. Then back to the reporter) Reporter: My question is, how did you prepare for the scene? (Cut to Olivier, who leans out and looks down the table toward the director as he begins his response) Actor: In this case I really have to thank our director. He brought that scene to life by having the vision of hosing down our genitals and freezing them to the metal post with bursts of liquid nitrogen. And you're right to say genitals because it wasn't just the nut sack it was the full package. (Cut to Olivier. As the he finishes the reporter gets in one final accolade) Reporter: Thank you, I love your work. (Still on Olivier the logo fills the screen) Logo: The World of Comedy Film Festival.

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